How You Can Help in Kansas City

We’re just a bunch of smoke and vape shops with no answers and no solutions. While we were riding high on what was arguably the best few weeks in Kansas City, that all tragically ended in a matter of seconds. While we scoured our social feeds like many of you, we thought that collecting some of the links we saw where we (and you) could help Kansas City would be helpful. In the broad scope of things, money donations are minimal at best, considering what happened. Either way, as members of not only Lees Summit but the greater Kansas City community, we thought posting these to our relatively small audience might help, even if it’s only minor. See the links below, and please consider donating if you can.

Elizabeth Lopez-Galvin Memorial Fund:

KC Strong by United Way

Community Blood Centers Of Greater Kansas City


Get Directions!

Rice Road

Ward Road


Glass Pipes   Pipe Parts

Mods   E-Juice

Detox   Rolling Papers


Check out our good friends at LS Vapes Smoke and Vape Shop in Lees Summit!

Note: This blog post is intended for readers who are 21 years of age or older. Please smoke and vape responsibly.

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